How To Clean Bottles - G-Away Importance Of Cleaning Bottles
There has been a significant increase in the usage of re-usable bottles and this will greatly help in reducing pollution in our surrounding environment. But no one know how to clean bottle and the cleaning abilities have not been able to meet the expected standards of hygiene and protection. For example, when we pack water bottles for kids, we just fill in water and send them out. This has led to the spread of a number of water-related diseases, especially among babies, who have poor immunity levels. These diseases could be very harmful and even fatal. Even though, there has been a slight improvement in the way water supplies are made available to us, our health is still at stake and some precautions need to be taken to ensure that what we are drinking is 100 percent safe. G-Away bottle cleaning helps to keep bottle fresh.
This is where cleaning and sterilizing of water and other bottles comes in. Irrespective of the type of reusable bottles you are using, it is important to clean them on a regular basis. Proper cleaning can be done in a number of ways.
Soap and warm water
This is perhaps the most well-known and easiest method of cleaning your bottles. But the usage of soap in bottles is not advisable because it leaves a residue. Also, it takes a lot of time and a large quantity of water to remove the soap foam. You may want to consider natural ingredients and bottle cleaners such as G-Away, for cleaning your bottles. Combine G-Away with some warm water in the bottle. Put the screw on top of the bottle and shake well. Finally rinse the bottle with clean warm water twice and the bottle is clean. G-Away is used for bottle green cleaning.
You could also put your reusable bottles in the dishwasher for cleaning. However, before doing this, ensure that you look for the ‘dishwasher-safe’ sign on the bottle. Few of the products can be washed in a dishwasher, but due to lack of time, you tend to avoid doing it. Hence the above bottle cleaning method is efficient.
Importance of drying & deodorizing frequently
Drying and deodorizing bottles are also important aspects of cleaning. Moist areas tend to attract bacteria. So, even when you have washed and rinsed your bottles, and you stack them outside the sink, they are at a high risk of attracting bacteria, which can lead to illnesses. Did you know that bacteria could start growing after just 24 hours?
It is possible for your plastic reusable water bottle to develop a slight discoloration or smell over a period of time when it is not cleaned properly after use. This is more probable when the bottle is kept in humid areas or there is frequent opening and closing or touching of the lids. To avoid this, wash the bottle every time you refill and rinse with a natural bottle cleaner such as G-Away .
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