What is G-Away bottle cleaner
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G-Away bottle cleaner Offers natural method of bottle cleaning Americans drink millions of gallons of bottled water each year. The most common method of storing this water is usually a plastic or steel jug which is rarely if ever cleaned. Most people erroneously believe that containers that only store water do not need to be cleaned, but there is an accumulation of bacteria and algae that can threaten the health of those who use these unsanitary dispensers. A new company Aqualayer has produced a variety of G-Away natural bottle cleaners which can effectively clean these difficult to wash bottles or containers. G-Away offers a natural, quick easy packet that can be dropped into a container. The G-Away bottle cleaner will immediately attack the stain buildup that has accumulated on the sides of these water dispensers. Only add a few glasses of water and a towel, shake, and the entire container is free from stains and odor in a few moments. G-Away uses a proprietary natural formula that won’t leave behind any chemicals which could harm drinkers or the environment. In addition to its patent pending powder sachet, G-Away is also developing mechanical agitator devices for use in conjunction with the cleaning agent. These devices will be available as independently operating or attached to a flexible handle. The fast rotating, bristled heads will help the G-Away powder quickly disintegrate caked-on deposits. |
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